Thursday, November 17, 2011

Idols Aside Banquet and a Surprise!

We recently attended the Idols Aside Banquet at church. I will let Jared explain it in his own words!

"Tonight we went to the Idols Aside Banquet, which is a faith based ministry that uses athletes to minister to kids through sports and activities. They have already had over 350 kids come to know Christ through the efforts of this ministry and the athletes that are involved. Bobby Richardson was the speaker and he really had some incredible stories. He shared a part of his testimony and other stories about his years with the Yankees and witnessing to Mickey Mantle and doing his funeral service. We also heard Adam Hayward and Corey Lynch (Bucs Players) and John Carlson (Former NFL QB). I got to speak with Adam Hayward for a while and he is a great guy, probably one of my new favorite players on the Bucs!"

Here are some pictures of Jared with the speakers!
Bobby Richardson
Adam Hayward
Corey Lynch

During the event Kellie had texted me and asked me if she still had the key to our house or if I had taken it back. I couldn't figure out why she needed to know that but I didn't think much of it! When we left I was on the phone with Kellie and we stayed on until Jared and I got home. When we pulled up to the house Kellie asked me to go check and make sure that she had left a onesie for Julian that she had bought because she couldn't find it in her house. When I walked into the nursery I found this:

Kellie and Clint bought us our glider and had put it in the room while we were out! We were majorly surprised and so thankful for Kellie and Clint and their incredibly generous gift! We love you Kellie and Clint!! Thank you again!!!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

21 & 22 Weeks



Family Trip to South Carolina

Over the weekend of Jared's birthday this year we took a family trip to Columbia, South Carolina to attend Jared's cousin Drew and his now wife Christina's wedding! The first night we drove through Gainesville and had dinner at the restaurant where Josh works, Amelia's. The next morning we were up bright and early and headed out to SC. That night we headed out to Harpers to celebrate Jared's 28th birthday a little early! Next day we checked out Finlay Park and had lunch at Buffalo Wild Wings (so the guys could watch the Gator game (-; ) before attending Drew and Christina's rehearsal dinner. Sunday (also Jared's Birthday) was the big day for Drew and Christina! We ate at Pawley's Front Porch which was on Diners Drive-ins and Dives for lunch that day. The wedding was beautiful and the weather was perfect! It was a wonderful family trip and we had so much fun! On this trip I was 22 weeks along, Baby Julian did well and I only had a little bit of swelling in my feet on the return trip home. So glad we made these memories together!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

22 Week Appointment

Kellie came with me to my appointment this time. Unfortunately we had to wait about 45 minutes past my appointment time but that seems to be the norm. I am so glad she can be there when Jared can't take off of work. It is fun to share these moments with my sissy! The appointment was a short one and everything is looking good! We listened to Julian's heartbeat on the doppler and it sounded strong! We talked to the doctor about being able to have more people than normal in the delivery room (everyone seems to want in on this birth haha) and she was very sweet about saying she would make sure that we could get Kellie in the room. It is very important to me that she is in there so I am thankful my doctor understands! Next appointment will be the diabetes test so I am hoping that it goes well! We shall see!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Jared Felt His Kick!

So tonight after many nights of me telling him to "put your hand here" to try and feel Julian's kicks, Jared FINALLY felt it! Yay! We also had fun watching my stomach bounce in a couple of spots as Julian moved around! Love these milestones! :-)

Monday, October 17, 2011

First Kick!

Today, at 19 weeks pregnant, I felt Julian's kick on the outside of my stomach for the first time! He was going to town with the kicking so I laid down and put both hands on my stomach covering as much area as possible. It is still pretty early to be feeling kicks on the outside but I was hoping I might get lucky. :-) As I was laying there watching TV I felt my stomach jump and hit my hand right in the middle below my belly button! I immediately started crying and texted Jared to tell him! What an awesome feeling! Now, of course, I'm just excited for Jared to be able to feel it too! Hopefully we don't have to wait too long for that to happen!